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How Are “期間” (kikan) and “時間” (jikan) Different?
Recently, a student asked me an intriguing question:
“I’ve been nurturing my kouji mold (used in Japanese fermentation to make miso, soy sauce, sake, and more) for over a month. Am I doing this for a long “kikan” or a long “jikan”? Which is the correct expression to express duration?”
Fascinating question, isn’t it? How would you answer?
Fundamental Difference
Both “kikan” and “jikan” relate to time, but their focus differs:
期間 (kikan)
When I say, “私は長い期間、この町に住んでいます” (“Watashi wa nagai kikan, kono machi ni sunde imasu,”the term “kikan”(period) refers to a long span encompassing the entirety of that life. It signifies a stretch of peirod with a starting point and an ending point (or the present day). The focus is placed on the flow of events and the overall background during this interval.
時間 (jikan)
On the other hand, when I say, “私は昨日、長い時間をかけてシチューを作りました” (“Watashi wa kinou, nagai jikan o kakete shichuu o tsukurimashita,” the term “jikan”(time) refers to a shorter interval. It may or may not clearly indicate when it started and ended, but the focus is on the specific activity, as well as the concentration and effort involved during that time.
Understanding this nuance helps clarify the appropriate use of “kikan” and “jikan” in various contexts.
This distinction appears in everyday language too. Consider “セール期間 (seeru kikan)” and “セール時間 (seeru jikan).”
セール期間 (seeru kikan): Refers to the overall span during which certain products are on sale.
Example: “今月はセール期間です” (“Kongetsu wa seeru kikan desu.”; This month is the sale period). It implies a relatively long duration like a week or a month.
セール時間 (seeru jikan): Refers to specific time slots during the sale period when discounts are available.
Example: “明日の朝10時から正午まではセール時間です” (“Ashita no asa juuji kara shougo made wa seeru jikan desu.”; Tomorrow, 10 a.m. to noon is the sale time). It conveys a shorter, defined time frame.
As you can see, “kikan” reflects the broader scope, while “jikan” highlights specific segments of activity.
Then, which is appropriate for nurturing kouji for a month?
What is the Main Focus?
Focus of “kikan”
Use “kikan” when focusing on the overall experience.
For example:“私が麹を育てた期間には、いろいろなことがありました”(“Watashi ga kouji o sodateta kikan ni wa, iroirona koto ga arimashita.”; During the period I was nurturing kouji, many things happened).
This expression works well when discussing events and emotions throughout the process.
Focus of “jikan”
Use “jikan” to emphasize specific tasks or efforts.
For example:“私は、麹を育てるのにかけた時間、例えば水を与えたり、温度を管理したり、時折様子を窺ったりといった具合に、様々な努力を重ねました”(“Watashi wa, kōji o sodateru no ni kaketa jikan, tatoeba mizu o ataetari, ondo o kanri shitari, tokiori yōsu o ukagattari to itta guai ni, samazama na doryoku o kasanemashita.”; I put in the time to nurture the koji, for example by watering it, managing the temperature, and occasionally checking on it.).
This phrasing highlights the concrete actions and the labor involved.
When deciding between “kikan” and “jikan,” consider the focus of your narrative:
For flow, background, or storytelling, use “kikan.”
For effort, actions, or specific durations, use “jikan.”
For instance, “長い期間、何かを続けてきた” conveys experience and context, while “長い時間、何かに集中した” emphasizes effort and achievement.
Reflecting on this distinction has deepened my understanding, thanks to the student’s question. Choosing words thoughtfully can enrich how we describe everyday experiences.
I hope you’ll also enjoy experimenting with “kikan” and “jikan” in your expressions!