「紅葉(もみじ・こうよう)」の違い / Difference Between “Momiji” And “Kouyou”

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「秋の夕日に照る山 紅葉♪」という歌を知っていますか。日本の童謡で、その名も「紅葉(もみじ)」です。






























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“Momiji” and “Kouyou” : What’s the Difference?

Have you ever heard the song that starts like this?

Aki no Yuuhi ni Teru Yama Momiji” – “The Mountain Maple Bathed in Autumn’s Sunset”

This is a well-known Japanese nursery rhyme, simply titled “Momiji.”

If you haven’t heard it before, it’s worth a listen! It’s a beautiful song, often sung in rounds, and it’s commonly taught to children growing up in Japan.

The Distinction between “Momiji” and “Kouyou”

“紅葉” is sometimes read as “momiji,” and sometimes, “kouyou.” Have you thought about the difference between the two?

In Japan, the word “momiji” usually refers to the Japanese maple tree, or “kaede (楓).” Although the formal name of this tree is “kaede,” the leaves, especially as they turn red in autumn, are affectionately called “momiji.”

So, is “kouyou” just another way to say “momiji”?

Not quite.

“Kouyou” is a more general term that refers to the phenomenon of leaves changing colors in autumn. This term includes not only maples but also many other trees whose leaves turn various shades of red, orange, and yellow with the season. While “momiji” points specifically to the Japanese maple tree and its red leaves, “kouyou” captures the broader experience of trees and foliage changing colors and the vibrant scenery they create.

The Tradition of Enjoying “Momiji”

“Momijigari” (Autumn Leaf Viewing)

In spring, people in Japan often enjoy cherry blossom viewing, known as “ohanami” (cherry-blossom viewing), tracking the “sakura zensen” (sakura front) as cherry trees bloom across the country. Similarly, in autumn, many people engage in “momijigari” (autumn leaf viewing). People gather in temple grounds where bright red and yellow maples stand clustered together, taking photos, or gazing at the colorful mountains from lower ground or nearby peaks.

Unlike fruit-picking traditions, such as “budou-gari” (grape picking) or “ichigo-gari” (strawberry picking), where people pick and eat the fruit, “momijigari” is solely for viewing and appreciating the beauty of the leaves, much like “ohanami” in spring.

“Momiji Manju” (Maple-shaped Buns)

The word “momiji” is also deeply ingrained in Japanese culture. In Hiroshima Prefecture, in western Japan, there is a local delicacy called “momiji manju” (もみじ饅頭). These are delicious buns filled with sweet red bean paste and shaped like maple leaves.

“Momiji Oroshi” (Spicy Grated Daikon)

Another cultural reference to “momiji” appears in cooking. When “daikon oroshi (大根おろし),” grated daikon radish is mixed with red chili, turning it a reddish color, it’s known as “momiji oroshi,” because of its color resembling autumn leaves.

“Douji-ion” ? Same Characters, Different Pronunciations

In Japanese, some kanji characters can have different pronunciations and meanings depending on context. This is known as “douji-ion (同字異音),” meaning “same characters, different readings.” As with “momiji” (maple) and “kouyou” (autumn foliage), where the characters “紅葉” mean different things based on how they’re read, it’s common in Japanese for characters to carry distinct readings and meanings in different contexts.

Another example is the word “市場” (ichiba/shijou).


Typically refers to a marketplace where consumers can shop, such as a “uoichiba” (fish market).


More commonly refers to a market in an economic or trading sense, like “kin’yuu shijou” (financial market).

While kanji can be complex, it’s helpful to know that they often carry different readings and meanings, depending on the context in which they’re used. Understanding these nuances can make your experience with Japanese language and culture all the richer!

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