1.Past Tense
Change the words to past tense.
Nurse わたしは、_____でした。 |
Doctor |
housewife |
Office worker |
lawyer |
teacher |
student |
Change the words to past tense.
① |
② |
③ |
④ |
⑤ |
⑥ |
Change the words to past tense.
⑦ |
⑧ |
⑨ |
⑩ |
⑪ |
⑫ |
2.なにをしましたか。(Time Words)
1.きょう あさごはんを たべましたか。
2.きのう、えいがを みましたか。
3.せんしゅう、なにを しましたか。
Q. What did do today?
3. Talk about the Past
Q. What did you usually do when you were a child?
Q, Talk about your last trip using 「と」and「も」.