
I'm a Japanese language teacher based in Japan. I have experience as a language consultant. I would like to help you with this site which contains the way how to learn the language efficiently and some leaning materials.

Topic Talk : 家族(かぞく)Family

語彙:単語 1. 兄弟(姉妹): (名詞) 兄弟または姉妹  例:私には4人の兄弟がいます。     ※兄弟:兄や弟     ※姉妹:姉や妹 2. 血統: (名詞) その人と直接関係があり、その人よりずっと前に生きていた人の家族の構成員  例:彼女は古代の王家の血統を非常に誇りに思っています。 3. 厄介者: (名詞) 家族に恥や迷惑をもたらすような悪いことをした人 例:彼は家族の厄介者だ。 語彙:表現 1. 血は争えない: 親から子へ受け継がれる性質や才能、あるいは欠点などが、どうしても現れてしまうことを表すことわざ。 例:息子は小さい頃から絵を描くのが好きだった。やはり、画家だった父親の血は争えないのだろう。 2. 水入らず:関係の近い人たちだけで集まることを意味する言葉です。家族や親しい友人など、気心の知れた仲間だけで、他人に気兼ねなく過ごす様子。 例:たまには夫婦水入らずで温泉にいきましょう。 3. 親は子の鏡: 親の行動や言動が子供の成長に大きな影響を与えるため、親は常に模範的な姿を見せる必要があるという教訓 例:親は子の鏡というから、子供の前では特に言動に気を付けたい。 ディスカッション 1. あなたにとって家族とは何ですか? 2. あなたの家族と、どんな人たちか教えてください。 3. あなたは普段、家族とどれくらいの時間を過ごしますか?一緒に何をしますか? 4. 兄弟がいることの欠点は何ですか? 5. 兄弟がいることの利点は何ですか? 6. あなたは家族とどのように付き合っていますか?他の家族と違いはありますか? 7. あなたの国では、家族とどのように絆を保っていますか? 8. 大家族の利点は何ですか? 9. 少人数の家族の利点は何ですか? 10. あなたは家族の中で誰と最も仲がいいですか?そして、それはなぜだと思いますか? If you want to see English version and take English lessons, go to the web site. ※The vocabularies are not the same.

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Why Saying ANATA(あなた) to Someone in Japanese Can Be Rude

When learning Japanese, one of the first words you’ll likely encounter for “you” is “anata.” While it’s technically correct, using “anata” can sometimes come across as impolite or even offensive. This article will delve into the nuances of this word and provide you with better alternatives to use in various situations. The Problem with “Anata” “Anata” is written with the characters for “that direction” or “over there.” While it literally means “you,” it carries a certain distance or formality that can be problematic in modern Japanese. Here’s why: Better Ways to Say “You” in Japanese So, what should you say instead of “anata”? Here are some common and polite alternatives:

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I’m Norie-Certified Japanese teacher and web creator!

About me I’m a Japanese language teacher based in Japan. I have experience as a language consultant and voice actor. I would like to help you with this site which contains the way how to learn the language efficiently and some learning materials. Start Learning! ===Teaching Experience=== My profile video ===Certifications=== ===Work Experience=== My hobbies and… Yoga, Ial-do, gardening, reading books and manga, and watching movies and anime.(My favorite anime is Dragon Ball!) I am a mother of three, and my kids have been learning English with me since they were babies. If you enjoy conversation and have kids, parenting is a fantastic topic to explore! About my Lessons I’m passionate about

I’m Norie-Certified Japanese teacher and web creator! Read More »

Practical Japanese Phrases for Everyday Use: Speak Like a Native

Learning practical Japanese phrases can significantly enhance your communication skills and help you speak like a native. These everyday phrases will be handy whether you travel to Japan, engage in business, or simply learn the language. This guide covers essential phrases for various situations, helping you feel more confident in your Japanese language skills. Basic Greetings and Polite Expressions Politeness is crucial in Japanese culture, and knowing how to greet others appropriately is a fundamental part of learning the language. Common Greetings Polite Expressions Asking for Directions and Information When traveling or exploring new places in Japan, knowing how to ask for directions and information is essential. Dining and Shopping

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Mastering Kanji Made Easy: Effective Strategies, Benefits, and Structure Explained

Learning Kanji, the intricate characters of Japanese writing, is often perceived as challenging, but it can be surprisingly straightforward with the right approach. This comprehensive guide explores effective strategies, recommended textbooks, and essential tools—including popular apps—and delves into the structure and origins of Kanji. Whether starting from scratch or looking to enhance your Kanji skills, this article provides practical advice and valuable resources to support your learning journey. Understanding Kanji Basics Kanji are logographic characters borrowed from Chinese, each symbol representing an idea or concept. They are characterized by their complexity and stroke order. Here’s how you can approach learning them effectively: 1. Start with Basic Kanji Begin with fundamental

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Japanese Sentence-Ending Particles: Add Flavor to Your Sentences!

When learning Japanese, you might notice how sentences can end with different little words like ね, よ, or か. These are called 終助詞 (しゅうじょし), or sentence-ending particles, and they add important emotional nuances or emphasis to what you’re saying. Let’s explore the most common ones with examples and illustrations! Summary Table: Japanese Sentence-Ending Particles Particle Use Explanation Example Sentence Translation ね (ne) Seeking agreement or empathy Adds a soft tone, similar to “isn’t it?” 今日は暑いですね。 It’s hot today, isn’t it? よ (yo) Providing new information or emphasis Used to emphasize something or share information 明日、休みですよ。 Tomorrow is a holiday, you know. よね (yone) Seeking confirmation Combines emphasis and confirmation 明日、休みよね?

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Top 10 Apps and Websites for Learning Japanese: Boost Your Skills with These Popular Tools

Learning Japanese can be challenging, but with the right resources, it becomes much easier and more enjoyable. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to improve your skills, using the best apps and websites can significantly enhance your learning experience. Here are the top 10 apps and websites for learning Japanese that are popular among learners worldwide. 1. Duolingo Best For: Beginners Duolingo is a highly popular language-learning app that offers a fun and interactive way to learn Japanese. With its gamified approach, users can practice reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. The app provides bite-sized lessons that fit easily into your daily routine. Features: Download: Duolingo 2. KANJI Memory Hint

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Mastering the Japanese Writing System: Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji

Learning Japanese can seem daunting at first, especially when it comes to the writing system. Japanese uses three scripts: Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. Each script has its own unique role and mastering them is essential for anyone serious about learning Japanese. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of each script, along with tips and resources to help you learn them effectively. Hiragana: The Foundation of Japanese Hiragana is one of the two phonetic alphabets used in Japanese. It consists of 46 basic characters and is used primarily for native Japanese words and grammatical functions. Here’s why learning Hiragana is crucial: How to Learn Hiragana Katakana: The Script for Foreign

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Become Fluent in Japanese: 5 Proven Methods and the Benefits of Online Tutoring

If you already speak Japanese and want to become even more fluent, here are five effective methods to help you improve: 1. Shadowing Shadowing is a language learning technique where you listen to spoken language and simultaneously repeat it out loud, trying to mimic the pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm as closely as possible. Purpose: To improve listening skills, pronunciation, and fluency. 2. Repeating Repeating, or repetition, involves listening to a segment of speech and then repeating it after a brief pause, focusing on accurate reproduction of the sounds and structures. Purpose: To improve pronunciation, memory, and reinforce language patterns. 3. Reading Aloud Reading aloud involves reading a text out loud,

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