
Hello, I'm Junpei! I'm a native Japanese speaker who has lived in Hong Kong for many years. Over the past 17 years, I've had the pleasure of teaching Japanese to a diverse range of students, from primary school children to adults. My extensive experience has given me the confidence to teach Japanese effectively and help my students succeed. I offer a variety of services to meet your learning needs, including: Basic Japanese Grammar: Build a solid foundation in the language. JLPT Preparation: Get ready to ace your Japanese Language Proficiency Test. GCSE and A-Level Japanese: Excel in your school exams with my expert guidance. Intensive Japanese Writing: Enhance your writing skills with focused practice. Free Talk Sessions: Enjoy conversational practice to improve fluency. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, I'm here to help you achieve your language goals. Let's embark on this exciting learning journey together! In my free time, I love to play music. I play the bass in a band called "Kissing Fish." I also enjoy playing the guitar and singing songs. Sometimes, I read Japanese lyrics and sing Japanese songs with my students.


How can I say “only” in Japanese? だけ or しかない?

Do you know how to use だけ and しかない? Many of my students ask me how to distinguish between them. When you open the fridge and find only one egg, what do you say? 冷蔵庫をあけると、たまごが1つしかなかった。 (When I opened the fridge, there was only one egg.) Most Japanese speakers would use the expression 1つしかなかった. It conveys a feeling that there is ONLY one egg in the fridge, often implying sadness or disappointment. Let’s think about it differently. 冷蔵庫に何かある? (Is there anything in the fridge?) たまごが一つだけあるよ。 (There’s only one egg.) This sentence using 一つだけあるよ doesn’t carry any sad feeling. Both だけある and しかない mean “only,” but the nuances in their usage are […]

How can I say “only” in Japanese? だけ or しかない? Read More »

How to say “many” in Japanese? おおい、たくさん、いっぱい?

Hi, I’m Junko. I’ve been teaching Japanese for 18 years in Hong Kong.Today, I’d like to talk about some Japanese words, that express the meaning of “many”.  Some of my students make similar mistakes repeatedly. Therefore I want to address this topic today. Let’s get started. I think you already learned 「多い おおい」「たくさん」「いっぱい」.Do you use these words correctly? Here are some minor grammatical adjustments for clarity and flow: Usage1: 名詞が多いです。 公園は人が多いです。There are many people in the park. 日本でどこが一番人が多いですか?What city in Japan has the most population? 毎日屋は新しい魚が多いです。There are lots of fresh seafood sold in Mainichiya. I picked up example sentences from みんなの日本語 *The word of 多いです/おおいです just describe “there are many sth/sbody.” Then

How to say “many” in Japanese? おおい、たくさん、いっぱい? Read More »

How do you translate “play” to Japanese?

Hi, I’m Junko. I’ve been teaching Japanese for 18 years in Hong Kong.Today, I’d like to tell you that “Play” is not “あそぶ”. I will explain how to translate “play” to Japanese correctly. play: Many Japanese learners translate this word to あそぶ、あそびます。遊ぶ Junko: きのう何をしましたか。 What did you do yesterday? Student: わたしは テニスであそびました。 I played tennis. This answer is not correct. 1. play sport サッカーをします。I play football.テニスをします。   I play tennis.ラグビーをします。I play rugby.ゴルフをします。   I play golf. *We use します for play in this case. 2. play music  ピアノをひきます。弾きます。 I play the piano.ギターをひきます。弾きます。 I play the guitar.* We use ひきます・弾きます for the strings such as piano, guitar, bass and violin.  フルートをふきます。吹きます   I play the flute.トランペットをふきます。吹きます   I

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Hi, I’m Junpei(Junko). I’ve been teaching Japanese for 17 years in Hong Kong. Today, I’d like to write about the word 「適当 てきとう」, which is an idea that one of my students gave me. Do you know the definition of “適当”? One of my students told me that many Japanese learners believe that the meaning of 「適当」is suitable or appropriate. According to the dictionary, it means: Examples: But in fact, most Japanese people use this word differently. Example 1: A: ちょっとにんじんを切ってくれる? (Would you cut the carrots?)B: どのくらいの大きさ? (How big should I cut them?)A: 適当でいいよ。 (Any size is fine.) Example 2: A: この前お願いした書類できた? (Have you finished the documents I asked you for

適当(てきとう)の本当の意味 Read More »

Why do you easily use the word ”やすい” to describe ”easy”? やすい or かんたん?

Hi, I’m Junko. I’ve been teaching Japanese for 17 years. Many of my students tend to mix up “やすい” and “かんたん 簡単”. この料理はやすいから、よく作ります。 英語はやすいね。 この問題はやすい。I often wonder why students make this mistake. Japanese learners are taught “やさしい 易しい” to say “easy” early in their studies.日本語は難しいです。(にほんごはむずかしいです。) でも 英語は易しいです。(でもえいごはやさしいです。) Japanese is difficult, but English is easy. In みんなの日本語, you learn “やさしい” in Unit 8 when studying adjectives. “やさしい” is one of many い-adjectives, but “かんたん” is not included in the な-adjectives list.I believe this is where learners start to make mistakes.When we native Japanese speakers convey that something is easy to do, we usually use “かんたん” rather than “やさしい”. *英語は簡単です。(えいごはかんたんです。) *この料理は簡単です。(このりょうりはかんたんです。) *この料理は簡単に作れます。(このりょうりはかんたんにつくれます。=easily) *試験は簡単だった。(しけんはかんたんだった。)I hope you

Why do you easily use the word ”やすい” to describe ”easy”? やすい or かんたん? Read More »

Hello, I’m Junpei!

Who am I? I’m a native Japanese speaker who has lived in Hong Kong for many years. Over the past 17 years, I’ve had the pleasure of teaching Japanese to a diverse range of students, from primary school children to adults. My extensive experience has given me the confidence to teach Japanese effectively and help my students succeed. In my free time, I love to play music. I play the bass in a band called “Kissing Fish.” I also enjoy playing the guitar and singing songs. Sometimes, I read Japanese lyrics and sing Japanese songs with my students. What can you learn with me? Whether you’re a beginner or looking

Hello, I’m Junpei! Read More »

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